Wind Energy Projects
ECOFACT has undertaken a number of Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) and Article 6 Appropriate Assessments for Wind Energy Projects both in the Republic and Northern Ireland. Surveys completed included specialist bird surveys for bird species such as Greenland white-fronted goose, Whooper Swan, Red Grouse and Hen Harrier, as well as habitat mapping assessments, faunal studies, fisheries assessments and freshwater ecological impact assessments. We have prepared a number or Article 6 Appropriate Assessments.
Recent wind energy projects undertaken by ECOFACT have included full ecological impact assessments and appropriate assessments for upland wind farm developments at several major sites in the Stack’s to Mullaghareirk Mountains, West Limerick Hills and Mount Eagle SPA and also at a site in the Slieve Aughty Special Protection Area (SPA), Co. Galway. We are currently working with clients, including Saorgus Energy and Galetech Energy Developments, on several large onshore and offshore projects that have yet to go to planning.
ECOFACT have also carried out full Ecological Impact Assessments and Appropriate Assements for proposed wind farms including a recent development at Cloghan, Co Offaly, that is currently going through planning. It is noteworthy that the Further Information Request from Offaly county council did not mention a single ecology issue as a result of our thorough reporting. We provided extensive surveys and assessments for this proposed development, including a year-long ecology survey that included specialist regional studies on the movements Greenland white-fronted geese and Whooper Swans during the winter months.
ECOFACT have undertaken a suite of Article 6 Appropriate Assessments for proposed wind energy developments located on and near Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation throughout the Ireland of Ireland. We are considered national experts in the provision of Habitats Directive Article 6 Appropriate Assessment reporting.
For examples of current Ecological Impact Assessments and Appropriate Assessments for proposed wind energy projects, please follow the lonks belwo.