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ECOFACT ecofact, Author at ECOFACT

Dr. William O'Connor

Senior environmental scientist with over 20 year’s professional ecological management experience. He is a graduate of the University of Wales, Cardiff where he was awarded an MSc degree in Applied Hydrobiology, and the National University of Ireland, Galway where he received a PhD degree in Zoology. He is a Fellow of the Society of Biology and also a member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, and the Institute of Fisheries Management.



Bats surveys for wind turbines – new guidance

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) published new guidance in January 2019 for bats surveys at wind farm sites. These new guidelines are entitled “Bats and onshore wind turbines –

Non-volant mammal surveys 2019

We are one of the leading companies in Ireland providing mammal surveys and assessments. We provide expert advise on both bats and terrestrial non-volant (i.e. non-flying) mammals. We

Winter Bird Surveys Photo Gallery 2019

Our staff have recently completed a number of wintering bird surveys at sites across Ireland. Here we have provided new photo gallery presenting selected photos from bird surveys

Filming a documentary on Sea Lampreys

We were delighted to work recently with BBC Earth on a documentary on Sea Lampreys Petromyzon marinus. The filming took place during early-June 2017 on the old River

Major new book – Wildlife and Wind Farms

A major new book will be published in May 2017 entitled ‘Wildlife and Wind Farms: Conflicts and Solutions’. Volume 1 of this book includes a chapter prepared by Ecofact Principal

Surveying wintering birds in the Irish Midlands

Our staff are currently undertaking a number of wintering bird surveys in the Irish Midlands. Here we have provided some photos and videos from bird surveys we undertook

Marine and estuarine ecology surveys

Marine and estuarine ecological surveys are a key service provided by ECOFACT. These surveys are undertaken for a number of purposes, including informing the Environmental Impact Assessments and Article

Freshwater Pearl Mussel surveys

The Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera margaritifera is a (freshwater) bivalve listed under Annex II and V of the EU Habitats Directive. It is legally protected in Ireland under Schedule

Our latest freshwater ecology surveys

The gallery below is a selection of photos from the aquatic ecology survey work we completed during August and September 2015. The surveys here are being undertaken to inform projects such

