Flood Defence Projects
ECOFACT has advised on a number of inland and coastal flood defence maintenance schemes in recent years. ECOFACT were engaged by the OPW to provide an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) for the national Arterial Drainage Scheme Maintenance Programme. This included an assessment of drainage maintenance impacts affecting Natura 2000 sites and also specific impacts affecting Annex I fen habitats and Annex II whorl snail species.
ECOFACT are currently providing monitoring and consultancy advice on a number of flood schemes, including those listed below:
Ennis (Fergus) Drainage Scheme (Lower Shannon SAC)
ECOFACT was responsible for the ecological and environmental monitoring services at the Fergus Upper (Ennis) Drainage Scheme during the construction phase of the scheme. We also prepared a baseline study for this scheme at the pre-construction phase. The Fergus Lower (Ennis) Drainage Scheme comprises Phase II of this flood alleviation scheme and we prepared the EcIA and Appropriate Assessment for the proposed works. Both schemes are located within the Lower Shannon SAC, within the main spawning area of Sea lampreys and River lampreys in the Fergus catchment.
Fermoy Drainage Scheme (Munster Blackwater SAC)
ECOFACT were commissioned to carry out the advance ecological surveys for a major flood alleviation scheme at Fermoy, Co. Cork. The site monitoring included the production of an invasive species management, bat surveys and design of mitigation measures, otter surveys and provision of advice in relation to best ecological practice management.
Maintenance of Old River Shannon (Lower River Shannon SAC)
ECOFACT have been commissioned by the OPW to provide consultancy, aquatic ecological surveys and monitoring for flood relief and maintenance works on the old River Shannon. These works are located within the Lower Shannon SAC and include the construction of a 600m long flood relief channel though alluvial woodland adjoining the river. This woodland has encroached onto the River Shannon channel since the reduction of flows in the area following the completion of the Shannon Hydroelectric Scheme.
John’s River Flood Alleviation Scheme (River Suir SAC)
ECOFACT carried out an ecological impact assessment of the lower reaches of the John’s River within Waterford town, where flood protection works along the river corridor are proposed by Waterford City Council. The proposed works extended into the River Suir estuary which is a designated SAC.