Fish Pass Design and Research
An increased requirement for the provision of suitable fish passage for salmonids and lamprey species has led ECOFACT to explore this issue in greater detail, with specific reference to a number of projects being undertaken by the company. This has arisen as a function of rehabilitation works following instream disturbance, as well as providing consultancy and design recommendations for major instream flood defence schemes and alterations to existing weirs, which are currently acting as a barrier to fish passage into suitable catchments. We now offer a fish pass design service.
- ECOFACT have contributed to fish passage requirements on small hydro-electric energy schemes and water supply schemes where abstractions may potentially affect flows. However, the most significant fish passage issues being addressed involve passage of Annex II listed lamprey species and Atlantic salmon over retained structures in some of Ireland’s largest rivers.
- ECOFACT have explored new technologies to allow lamprey to pass currently impassable barriers and are hoping to see an increase in recognition of fish passage issues at a national level.
For more information on the fish pass designs we have prepared and output of these projects please contact