Waste Water Projects
ECOFACT has recently prepared receiving water impact assessment (RWIA) reports for a large number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WwTPs). Large scale assignments have included assessments of the WwTPs serving almost every town and significant village in Counties Laois and Kildare.
The studies include chemical and biological water quality assessments both upstream and downstream of the plants and the preparation of Waste Assimilation Capacity (WAC) models for the receiving waters. The purpose of the report was to assess whether the existing waste water discharge(s) from the plants are having a significant adverse impact on the receiving waters, or any Natura 2000 Site. The reports also recommend design standards necessary for proposed future plants to ensure compliance with the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). As a number of these WwTPs have been located within or adjacent to designated Natura 2000 sites, it has been necessary to complete individual Article 6 Appropriate Assessments for plants that were identified with potential to cause an adverse impact on a designated conservation site.
ECOFACT has also prepared impact assessments for treatment plants at Athlone, Co. Westmeath; Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny; Mountbellew, Milltown, Craughwell and Claregalway, Co. Galway; Thurles, Co. Tipperary; and Burnfoot, Co. Donegal. ECOFACT have also recently commissioned to prepare Receiving Water Impact Assessments for a number of private waste water treatment plants serving residential housing developments.
ECOFACT also prepared the full Ecology Section, including all specialist studies, of the EIS for the proposed Cork Lower Harbour Sewerage Scheme. The scheme would cover the areas of Carrigaline, Crosshaven, Passage West, Monkstown, Shanbally, Ringaskiddy and the wider lower harbour area. The proposed development will collect raw sewage and intercept numerous storm water outfalls, before treating collected sewage to a secondary level at a proposed new wastewater treatment facility near Carrigaline. The treated wastewater would be discharged inside the mouth of Cork harbour through the existing IDA outfall. Both terrestrial and marine ecological assessments were undertaken for this major scheme.