Water Supply Projects
Water supply schemes frequently require Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) due to the proposed abstractions from a surface water body (lake or river) and also due to the route of the associated pipeline. There is potential for impacts to sensitive ecological receptors, designated Natura 2000 sites and also potential impacts to the Water Framework Directive status of the waterbody concerned.
ECOFACT have undertaken numerous EcIAs for the aquatic and terrestrial environments affected by both the abstractions and pipeline routes for a number of water supply schemes. We have also prepared a number of hydrological and ecological feasibility studies for these schemes We have also prepared Natura Impact Statements for numerous water supply schemes. Examples of major recent water supply schemes we have worked on are detailed below:
Lough Talt Regional Water Supply Scheme
ECOFACT recently prepared the Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries sections of the EIS for the Lough Talt Regional Water Supply Scheme. Specialist studies undertaken included lake and river fish stock surveys (including specialist Arctic char and white-clawed crayfish survey work).
Costello Regional Water Supply Scheme
ECOFACT recently prepared the Flora, Fauna and Water Quality sections of the EIS for the Costello Regional Water Supply Scheme. This scheme will involve water abstraction from Glenicmurrin Lough – a nationally important sea trout fishery.
Lough Mask Regional Water Supply Scheme
We recently prepared an ecological assessment for this proposed major water supply scheme in County Mayo. Studies undertaken included an assessment of aquatic communities in adjoining areas of Lough Mask, along with habitat, flora and fauna surveys along proposed pipeline routes between the lake and towns including Westport and Louisburgh.
Clifden Regional Water Supply Scheme
ECOFACT also recently prepared the Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries sections of the EIS for this Regional Water Supply Scheme. Specialist studies undertaken included lake and river fish stock surveys (including specialist Atlantic salmon survey work).