Forestry & Agriculture
ECOFACT also provide a wide range of services to the Forestry and Agriculture Sectors. We have a particular interest in the development of High Nature Value (HNV) Farming, and also sustainable forestry practices and the Native Woodland Scheme. We work extensively with private landowners in these areas, along with Coillte and the Forestry Service.
- Other Services we provide include Environmental Assessments, and also Appropriate Assessments for agricultural developments and forestry plantations within the Natura 2000 network.
What is HNV farming?
Traditional extensive farming practices have helped to create the Irish landscape, as we know it today. Much of the natural and cultural heritage that we encounter in Ireland today is influenced by, or has evolved, in response to these interactions, such as our flower-rich grasslands, and our networks of stone walls. Maintaining that heritage relies on maintaining the more traditional extensive type of farming that influenced its development. This type of farming is often referred to as “high nature value farming”, and the farmers’ role in this dynamic is critical.
The Heritage Council, with support from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, has commissioned the preparation of case studies on high nature value farming. The website for the Heritage Council can be accessed here.
We are also interested in sustainable forestry practices and the restoration of native woodlands.