Non-volant mammal surveys 2019

We are one of the leading companies in Ireland providing mammal surveys and assessments. We provide expert advise on both bats and terrestrial non-volant (i.e. non-flying) mammals. We undertake surveys for all terrestrial non-volant mammal species in Ireland, including Badger, Otter, Red Squirrel, Pine Marten, and non-native American Mink, among others. Our staff are fully qualified to carry out a range of mammal surveys, with all staff having undergone specialist training modules in conjunction with extensive survey experience. We are the leading company in Ireland providing static camera trap surveys (i.e. trail camera surveys).
Our staff have been very busy recently undertaking protected mammal surveys for a number of projects, including proposed residential and commercial developments, wind farm sites, water services projects and bridge rehabilitation schemes.
To see some examples of footage we have obtained from static camera trap surveys please visit our YouTube channel here and please subscribe. Please also see this current video also recorded during April 2019 on Keeper Hill, Co Tipperary, of a Pine Marten on a tree stump. There are also many hundred other videos on our YouTube channel so please have a look through the videos which showcase the extensive experience which we have, especially in terrestrial non-volant mammal surveys.

Our experience
We have all the necessary skills and experience to cover mammal survey and mitigation works for protected non-volant mammal species that may be an issue for a proposed development. To meet different requirements we offer a range of survey methods, including walked transect surveys (walking routes through on-site habitats), camera trap surveys and small mammal trapping (prey item density surveys). We undertake otter holt and breeding territory surveys, badger sett and territory marking, foraging and commuting route surveys, along with other specialist species-specific surveys.
All of our survey methods and mitigation for terrestrial mammals follow the latest editions of good practice guidelines available.
Derogation Licences
We can also apply for derogation licences, and have extensive experience in providing mitigation including habitat restoration plans, mammal underpass and fencing design, exclusions under licence, replacement bat roosts, and artificial sett and holt construction. We have extensive experience in reaching agreements with National Parks and Wildlife (NPWS) staff on such matters. Our mammal surveys are always designed to met project / legal requirements, and are always competitive and cost-effective.
Further information
For further information on the range of non-volant mammal surveys and assessments we provide please see the following links.
Please contact us if you have a requirement for a mammal survey.