Habitat surveys
ECOFACT undertake habitat surveys and assessments on a routine basis for projects in the terrestrial environment. Freshwater and marine habitats are also subject to habitat surveys and habitat mapping, following many of the same methodologies.
Habitat surveys require accurate identification of the botanical communities present within a study area allows for the preparation of detailed habitat maps and an evaluation of the relative conservation importance of these habitats in respect of a specific site, region or, indeed, international context.
Habitat surveys and classification in Ireland primarily follows the Heritage Council publication ‘A Guide to Habitats in Ireland’ (Fossitt, 2000). ECOFACT habitat assessments utilise desk study resources including OSI historical six inch mapping, updated 1:20,000 and aerial photography, reference data on species distribution and satellite imagery to build a picture of a particular site or region, prior to undertaking the field survey element.
ECOFACT can provide detailed digital habitat surveys with mapping allowing for an evaluation of the status and conservation value of habitats recorded on site, with emphasis on integrity or fragmentation, pressures and evidence of non-native invasive species.
Habitats Surveys and Assessments we undertake also include:
- Habitat surveys and assessments of sensitive / protected habitats and flora, i.e. Annex I habitats and flora listed on the Flora Protection Order (1999), the Red Data List and Annex II of the EU Habitats Directive (1992)
- Detailed quantitative and semi-quantitative habitat mapping utilising appropriate abundances scales. This data can be subjected to statistical analysis as required
- Large scale ecological network mapping and identification of wildlife corridors for wider ecological conservation interests
- Habitat creation and enhancement, including the preparation of effective management plans for monitoring success
We are experts in providing habitat surveys and assessments.