Environmental Impact Assessment
ECOFACT Environmental Consultants has over ten years experience in the provision of and contribution to Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), which are part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process.
ECOFACT ensures that all reporting and environmental impact assessment projects carried out take account of the relevant legislative requirements and guideline documents available. We are constantly updating our references catalogue with new best practice guidelines and legislative amendments which influence the Environmental Impact Assessments we carry out, and Environmental Impact Statements we prepare.
Our consultants specialise in the ecological impact assessment elements of the EIA/EIS process; however, we have extensive experience in managing whole EIS projects, drawing on our close associations with other environmental consultants in specialist fields.
ECOFACT offers the following EIA/EIS services:
- Completion of full EIS projects with a track record of planning approvals
- Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) – specialist services for the preparation of Flora, Fauna and Water Quality chapters within larger EIS projects.
- Provision of Article 6 Appropriate Assessments for projects potentially affecting designated Natura 2000 conservation sites
- Completion of Environmental and Ecological Scoping Studies for the early stages of the EIS/EIA process
- Completion of full Baseline Environmental Constraints studies, prior to commissioning of detailed EIS
- Provision of specialist consultancy with regard to mitigation measures and compensation for significant impacts.