ECOFACT have been involved in the environmental impact assessment of a wide variety of hydropower projects. Our experience extends from small hydro, to large scale and pumped storage schemes.
We have prepared Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) for numerous proposed schemes, and Article 6 Appropriate Assessments for sites located within designated Natura 2000 conservation sites.
- Our range of technical services to the hydropower industry include fisheries impact assessments, hydrology modelling, fishway design and fisheries mitigation technology. We have developed a reputation for excellence in fisheries and aquatic ecological consultancy, and we can ensure that you have the required expert fisheries input into the design, construction and operation of hydropower schemes.
- Other services we provide to the hydropower industry include mammal surveys (including bat surveys), habitat mapping assessments and botanical surveys, protected aquatic species assessments and bird surveys.
Typical impact assessment for a hydropower installation would evaluate the sensitivity of the site in terms of species present, habitat quality and type, and the potential impact on migration patterns. Appropriate mitigation may take the form of improved fish passage and a minimum residual flow. Sites vary significantly in terms of sensitivity and it is not possible to apply a generic abstraction regime to all sites.
For more sensitive sites, a fisheries assessment is essential to achieve the right balance and hence efficient use of the resource, while ensuring the maintenance and protection of the ecology of the river.