Large hydro-electric schemes
Large Hydro-electric schemes exist on some of the largest rivers in Ireland for example the Rivers Shannon, Lee and Erne. Large hydro-electric schemes are also operational on the River Liffey and the Clady/Crolly Rivers. All of these schemes are currently operated by the Electricity Supply Board (ESB).
ECOFACT has been involved with a number of fisheries management programmes in all the above catchments. On the River Shannon we have undertaken catchment wide surveys of juvenile salmon and completed both downstream smolt census studies and assessments of upstream migrations of adult salmon through the dams at Parteen at Ardnacrusha. We have also been involved with the operation of the salmon hatchery at Parteen and the management of the salmon fishery at Castleconnell.
We have also been extensively involved with Eel management on the Lower Shannon.
- We are also currently managing the Old River Shannon Research Group, a group that was set up to research and raise awarness about issues affecting the Old River Shannon, and the changes that have occured on the waterbody in the first century since the Shannon Scheme. This group aims to reseach and raise awarness about issues affecting the Old River Shannon, in the interests of future sutainable management of this internationally important waterbody, and to assess if current management of the waterbody is compliant with the Habitats Directive, Waterframework Directive and in the interests of catchment residents and user groups.
For further information on the extensive services and capabilities we have please contact us.