ECOFACT Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries surveys continue
ECOFACT staff continue to be very busy this summer/autumn, with a number of ongoing major Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries surveys of rivers in the Shannon, Barrow, Munster Backwater, Nore, Unshin, Maine and Boyne catchments. Our staff are continuing white-clawed crayfish surveys, lamprey surveys, freshwater pearl mussel surveys and fisheries surveys (including electrofishing) across Ireland with our three dedicated aquatic teams. We are currently working our way through a list of over 500 sites that we are surveying for a number of clients.
The surveys will be used to inform Environmental Impact Statements and Natura Impact Statements for projects such as major wind energy developments, small hydro schemes, road and railway projects, and water supply schemes. We are working on some of the largest wind energy projects currently being progressed in Ireland. We are also working on a number of projects with Waterways Ireland, Irish Rail, Kerry County Council, Laois County Council, Sligo County Council and the Office of Public Works in what is one the busiest summers our company has ever had. Luckily it also has been a relatively dry summer and all our projects are currently all on target.
ECOFACT is Ireland’s leading independent environmental consultancy and the provision of Water Quality, Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries assessments is one of our core areas of expertise. Many of our surveys have been published by National Parks and Wildlife as part of the Irish Wildlife Manuals Series. We have also completed hundreds of Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries assessments for commercial projects including wind energy developments, hydroelectric schemes, water supply schemes, road schemes and many others.
The gallery above gives an insight into the exciting fieldwork that we are currently engaged in.
If you require any additional information about the Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries Services we provide please do not hesitate to contact us.