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ECOFACT Environmental Monitoring - ECOFACT

We provide a wide range of environmental monitoring services in relation to terrestrial, freshwater and marine inshore environments...

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Environmental Monitoring

We provide a wide range of environmental monitoring services in relation to terrestrial, freshwater and marine inshore environments to help construction sites, industry and municipal wastewater discharge plants achieve compliance with IPPC Licenses, local authority permits and conditions attached to planning consents.

electrofishing fluorescent-bacteria water quality sampling
  • We provide a range of hydrology and ecological monitoring services to provide an integrated approach to environmental monitoring.
  • Our project teams work together with clients to scope, design, and implement environmental monitoring plans, which will ensure environmental protection objectives are successfully achieved.
  • We provide Environmental Monitoring Services in relation to water quality, hydrology, wastewater, ecology, sediments and fluvial geomorphology.

Whether you require an Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) Licence or Waste Licence from the Environmental Protection Agency, or Permit from your Local Authority, we have the qualifications and experience to assist you to prepare the application documentation.

ECOFACT provides specific water quality sampling services to meet the monitoring requirements of operational road schemes, including private / public partnership motorway schemes.

We will complete the specialist surveys and reports required to obtain the license and also help you to manage and ensure compliance with the granted license.

Our knowledge and experience of licence requirements, our technical capabilities, environmental expertise and project management skills will ensure that you achieve legal compliance with your licence with the minimum of hassle and in the shortest appropriate timeframe.

If you are interested in further information on ECOFACT or you would like a consultant to contact you, please let us know your requirements by emailing us directly at

Current News Stories:

  • Bats surveys for wind turbines – new guidance

    Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) published new guidance in January 2019 for bats surveys at wind farm sites. These new guidelines are entitled “Bats and onshore wind turbines – survey, assessment and mitigation”. The document incorporates findings from the latest research on the impact of wind farms on bats.  It is endorsed by all the statutory […]

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  • Non-volant mammal surveys 2019

    We are one of the leading companies in Ireland providing mammal surveys and assessments. We provide expert advise on both bats and terrestrial non-volant (i.e. non-flying) mammals. We undertake surveys for all terrestrial non-volant mammal species in Ireland, including Badger, Otter, Red Squirrel, Pine Marten, and non-native American Mink, among others. Our staff are fully […]

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  • Filming a documentary on Sea Lampreys

    We were delighted to work recently with BBC Earth on a documentary on Sea Lampreys Petromyzon marinus. The filming took place during early-June 2017 on the old River Shannon at Castleconnell, Co Limerick. This is part of the Lower River Shannon Special Area of Conservation, and Sea Lampreys are a key conservation interest of this […]

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  • Major new book – Wildlife and Wind Farms

    A major new book will be published in May 2017 entitled ‘Wildlife and Wind Farms: Conflicts and Solutions’. Volume 1 of this book includes a chapter prepared by Ecofact Principal Ecologist Dr. William O’Connor. The two-volume set provides a comprehensive overview of the interactions between wind farms and wildlife, each volume dedicated to one of the two […]

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  • Surveying wintering birds in the Irish Midlands

    Our staff are currently undertaking a number of wintering bird surveys in the Irish Midlands. Here we have provided some photos and videos from bird surveys we undertook during December 2015. Our bird surveys are undertaken to inform both the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) reports being prepared for proposed wind energy […]

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