Commercial & Recreational
Ecofact services frequently utilised by the Commercial and Recreational industry sector are during the project feasibility and planning stage.
We have extensive experience in the provision of Ecological Constraints reporting, full Ecological Impact Assessment; the completion of Flora and Fauna chapters for the Environmental Impact Assessment; Strategic Environmental Assessments; and Appropriate Assessment reporting to fulfil planning requirements.
- Baseline surveys offered include protected terrestrial species surveys for badgers, bats, dedicated bird surveys and for protected invertebrates including Marsh fritillary and Whorl snails.
- Our specialist aquatic survey capabilities include biological water quality assessments; protected invertebrate species (White-clawed crayfish, Freshwater pearl mussel etc.) surveys; and electrical fishing surveys, fisheries and fish passage constraints studies.
- Post-planning Ecofact provide construction phase ecological monitoring (Ecological Clerk of Works) and follow-up ecological surveys in compliance with planning conditions or further requests.
The maintenance of ongoing relationships with commercial enterprises is an important element of our business and we are responsible for the completion of a number of annual waste discharge licence monitoring and water quality monitoring programmes at factory sites across the country.