A core area of our work is the preparation of Flora and Fauna assessments at the planning stage of national infrastructure projects, including roads, railways, water supply schemes, sewerage schemes, and flood alleviation schemes.
- ECOFACT has extensive experience in the provision of Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) for large-scale infrastructure projects, where we have undertaken detailed studies of habitats, flora and fauna in terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats.
- ECOFACT can also provide mitigation measures for key ecological receptors identified. We also provide post-planning ecological surveys to meet planning conditions and construction phase site monitoring including the provision of Site Ecologists and Ecological Clerk of Works (EcCOW).
- We have been commissioned to undertake ecological site monitoring during the construction stage of a number of national road schemes; pipeline and sewerage schemes; and large scale flood alleviation and main drainage schemes.
ECOFACT can offer the highest level of ecological consultancy, with significant experience in addressing ecological constraints to ensure that projects can progress with the minimum of impact to the natural environment.
Our expert competency in ecology allows for significant issues such as protected species to be highlighted and addressed early in the project design phase, to avoid delays later in the project.
It is our strong commitment to ecology and the natural environment that ensures we deliver the best available product to our clients, both to ensure a fast and efficient construction process, while minimising ecological impacts.